Translated and adapted (with additional information added) by Mother Cassiana.
The holy icon of St. Spyridon of the Orthodox parish of Luguzi, Uganda. Work of Fr. Yuri Biou (see here)
Spyridon has remained one of the most beloved saints in the Orthodox
Church throughout the centuries. Clergy and laity alike can identify
with this holy bishop. He was compassionate, but firm and loving; a
humble shepherd, bishop, confessor of the faith during times of
persecution, and an outstanding teacher of Orthodoxy at the Council of
Nicaea. He did not allow his episcopal rank to distance him from the
faithful of his diocese, but was truly united with the people, loving
them as a true father. He worked many miracles both during his life on
earth and after his repose, even to the present day.
holy father was born on the island of Cyprus. No date for his birth is
given in the hagiographical account of his life, however, considering
that he was already a bishop at the time of the First Ecumenical Council
in Nicaea in 325 A.D., it can rather safely be assumed that he was born
in the latter half of the third century.
parents were simple people, and raised their son in a humble and pious
home where love for God abound. In his youth, Spyridon was a shepherd,
watching over the flocks. Later, even as a bishop, he continued to keep
sheep. He was not an ambitious youth, anxious for a position in society;
instead he was content in the quiet country life ofwork and prayer. The
hymns sung on his feast day liken him to a number of Old Testament
figures, saying that he was gentle like the prophet David who had also
been a shepherd in his youth; like the patriarch Jacob, he too was
humble of heart; like the great Abraham, he showed hospitality to all;
he had the innocence of Job and the goodness of Moses.
married at the legal age; again, however, the lengthy account of his
life in the ancient Church writings are silent as to the name of his
wife. They had several children, one of whom, a daughter named Irene,
would later figure in a miracle worked by this saint. As a husband and
father, Syridon continued to live an honest life pleasing to God.
accounts state that Spyridon's wife died while rather young, others make
no mention of her at all, and still others name Saint Syridon as one of
those early bishops of the Church who was, indeed, still married during
the time of his episcopacy.
canon in the Orthodox Church of bishops being chosen exclusively from
the monastic or celibate clergy has been in effect for many centuries
however the earliest years of Christianity did see a number of married
men elected to the episcopacy. This rule of candidates for the
episcopacy being chosen from among the celibate, monastic or widowed
clergy was not strictly enforced or considered the norm until after the
time of Spyridon's life. In fact, earliest mention enforcing celibate
bishops is not found until some two hundred years later! In his History
of the Church, the early historian Eusebius, a contemporary of St.
Spyridon's mentions at least two bishops specifically as being married
during their episcopacy: Chaeremon, from the mid third century, "the
very aged bishop of Nilopolis, fled with his wife to the mountain region
of Arabia" during the persecution of Decius; and Demetrian, bishop of
Antioch from 251-253. It must be remembered that the Church only began
to feel the effects of monasticism in the fourth century. It was this
influence, along with other practical considerations, which led the
Church, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to develop the
requirement that bishops be chosen from among the monastic, or at the
very least, celibate, ranks.
then, do various sources seem to be at variance with each other
regarding Saint Spyridon's marital status? This could possibly be
understood if we take into consideration the audiences for which these
accounts were written. For the past several centuries, the faithful,
both educated and unlearned, have known that bishops must be celibate.
Church writers were aware that their readers (or listeners, since many
of these accounts were written to be read aloud in church) were simple
folk, pious, but uneducated in the development of the rules and canons
to which the Church adheres today. Such people would have been
scandalized to hear that a bishop, saint or otherwise, would be married!
To avoid such an attitude, many hagiographers chose to either gloss
over certain facts, or to rearrange them to suit the populace.
Saint Syridon a married bishop, or had his wife been taken to the Lord
while young in life? There are arguments on both sides. What is
important is that we do have rules and canons today regarding the
present and future election of the hierarchy. These must be respected,
having been developed both through the experience and suffering of the
Church, and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. In the instance at
hand, what concerns us is not how long Saint Spyridon's wife lived, but
rather the holy life which the saint himself led, together with his
deeds and teachings.
living the quiet life of a shepherd, the saint developed the practice of
offering help to anyone in need. He used his own limited finances to
give rest to travellers and food to the hungry, in obedience to the
Gospel command and the true spirit of Christianity. It was during this
time, while he was living an obscure life in a remote region, serving
God and his neighbor, that we begin to hear of miracles being worked
through him.
Lord said that no one lights a lamp and places it under the table; no,
the light must shine for all to see. Spyridon's humility, piety, love
for God, and compassion for others would be an example for thousands
throughout the centuries to follow, but first, this holy man had to be
known beyond the limited bounds of the island of Cyprus. Attention was
brought to his God-pleasing way of life through the miracles which were
attributed to him.
miracle is an action of God. In our earthly, limited, human reasoning,
the curing of the fatally ill, the changing of a substance into
something totally different, the submission of wild beasts, or the
mastery of the elements are all termed as "miracles." But all of these
actions are natural to God, the Creator, who gives life to all, who
"spoke and it was created," who walked upon the waters. God often works
these deeds through the humble saints who are pleasing to Him and in
whom He dwells. They, in their piety, do not attribute these actions to
themselves, rather, they regard these miracles as exactly what they are:
the works of God. Saint Spyridon proved to be such a vessel for God's
works, for he lived in accordance with the words of Saint Paul, "I live
now not with my own life but with the life of Jesus Christ who lives in
me." (Gal. 2:20).
early miracles worked through this saint include the healing of many who
were incurably ill and, by his word alone, driving demons out of those
who were possessed. God is not the god of sickness or suffering, nor can
any evil spirit endure His presence. It was enough for just the shadow
of Saint Peter the Apostle to fall upon the sick man to heal him. Surely
the presence of God in Saint Spyridon who had given himself totally to
the Creator and Savior, could work the deeds of healing and driving off
these deeds and the holiness of his life became known, Spyridon was
called to serve the Church in the ranks of the episcopacy. He was
consecrated as Bishop of Tremithus near Salamis during the early fourth
century. The qualities which had made him a loving and compassionate
pastor of sheep were the same virtues which made him a worthy shepherd
of the flock of Christ: he vigilantly watched over the clergy and
faithful, feeding them through his preaching, leading and guiding them
to the green pastures of the faith, driving off the heretical Arius who
threatened to devour the flock like a wolf, and constantly seeking out
those who had strayed. The wonders worked through this holy man
continued and multiplied after his ascent to the hierarchal throne, for
although now burdened with administrative duties, his love for God and
devotion to prayer continued to burn within him.
Saint Spyridon Prays During Time of Drought
the early years of his episcopacy, a terrible drought engulfed the
island of Cyprus. Crops were threatened with complete ruin, plants
withered, famine and death were close at hand. The people knew that only
someone whose prayers were as powerful as those of Elijah could move
God to open the heavens and loose their storehouse of life-giving rain.
Saint Spyridon proved to be the one needed. He saw the disaster
threatening the people and was moved to mercy at the sight of their
hunger. He prayed to the all gracious Lord; at once, the skies filled
with clouds from the ends of the earth. No one could say that this was a
natural occurrence, for the clouds strangely held their position for a
prolonged time without releasing a drop of water. The saint again prayed
fervently. Then, and only then, did the rains pour down upon the earth.
The rain continued for many days until the saint again prayed and the
skies cleared.
land had been watered in abundance, plants emerged from the soil and
bore fruit. After the drought there was enough food to feed the people,
through the prayers of Saint Spyridon.
The Greedy Wheat Vendor
A few
years later, famine again threatened the region. The wheat vendors, who
had stockpiled grain throughout the years saw the impending disaster as
an opportunity to grow rich. They opened their granaries, selling their
wheat at high prices.
In the
city of Tremithus there was one particular vendor who was extremely
greedy. He purchased wheat from other regions at a low price, shipped
the grain to Tremithus and then refused to sell it at a reasonable sum.
Instead, he stored all of it in his granaries until the famine grew
worse and the other vendors' granaries were emptied. Then, he offered
his wheat for sale at exorbitant rates, seeing this as his opportunity
to grow wealthy. The famine grew more severe daily, and the vendor's
pockets continued to fill with money from the poor and starving.
man, destitute, came to beg from the vendor, asking for a small amount
of wheat so that he and his family would not die of hunger. The rich man
was, by now, blinded by his ever growing greed and refused to show
mercy to anyone. Instead of showing Christian love and mercy, he said to
the poor man, "Go, bring me the money needed and you will get the
amount of grain for the price."
poor man, weak from hunger, and having no money to buy even a grain of
wheat, went to Saint Spyridon weeping and revealing his poverty as he
told the bishop about the unmerciful rich vendor. The saint said to him,
"Don't weep. Go to your home, for the Holy Spirit says, ‘in the morning
your house shall be full of grain and you shall see that rich man
begging from you, while you receive all the grain you need free of
charge.' "
The poor man went away dejected for he thought the saint was just saying these things to comfort him.
night, by the will of God, the skies again opened and torrential rain
fell. The granaries of the greedy vendor burst open and the flood of
rain swept the grain away, leaving it scattered widely where it could be
easily gathered by those in need. The miserly man ran throughout the
city, frantically asking everyone to help him gather up his grain so
that he would not lose his source of wealth. The impoverished people,
who had been on the brink of starvation because of his greed, saw the
grain all along the roads and fields. Faithful as they were, they saw
the hand of God clearly in this turn of events, for He fulfills the
needs of those who love Him. Everyone turned out and gathered up the
wheat, each filling his own house with all he needed.
those who gleaned the wheat from the roadside was the poor man who had
asked for help the very day before. When the rich vendor saw him, he
began to beg him to give him some of the grain which God had taken from
him. The very words which the Holy Spirit had spoken through Saint
Spyridon were fulfilled as God punished the vendor for his lack of mercy
and comforted the poor man for his humility.
Gold from the Garden
certain farmer had also gone to that same wheat vendor during the time
of famine while the rich man's granaries were full. He asked to borrow
enough wheat so that he would not starve, and promised to return that
amount of grain and more at the time of harvest. The rich man refused to
change his price for the grain, nor would his hardened heart be
softened. He unmercifully closed the door upon the poor farmer and
refused to hear the man's pleas. Instead, he said, "You will not get
even one grain from me without paying first."
poor farmer, on hearing this, went to Bishop Spyridon. He wept before
the bishop, telling him of his impoverished state. He was not seeking
financial help from the saint, only comfort, for it was well known that
the Godly bishop lived the same modest life as the faithful of his
diocese and certainly had no riches. Whatever he did have, he always
gave to those in need, keeping for himself only what was necessary for
life. Spyridon spoke to the farmer with encouraging words, then sent him
home. The next day, however, the bishop went to see the poor man and,
much to the farmer's surprise, gave him a wad of gold.
did the gold come from? We shall shortly see. As he put the gold into
the poor man's hands, Saint Spyridon said, "Go, brother, to the grain
vendor and give him this gold as collateral so that he will give you the
grain which you need. When the harvest comes, you will reap enough;
then you will go back to him, give him the amount of grain you received
and he will return the gold to you, Then bring it back to me."
poor man took the gold from the bishop's hand and hurried to the rich
vendor. The vendor rejoiced at seeing the gold, since he loved money
more than anything else, and he immediately loaned the grain to the poor
man. When the famine passed and the harvest was completed, the farmer
returned the promised amount of grain to the rich man, receiving back
the gold. Then he gratefully hurried to Saint Spyridon.
saint, taking the gold, called the farmer with him into his garden,
saying, "Come with me, brother, and together we will give this back to
the one who loaned it to us."
went to a corner of the garden and the saint laid the gold near the
fence. He raised his eyes and said, "Lord Jesus Christ, who do all
things by your will alone, who long ago turned Moses' staff into a snake
before the eyes of pharaoh, so also, just as you turned a snake from
this very spot into this gold, order that it may now return to its
former state; then your servant will know what great care you have for
us and understand what is written in holy Scripture: `God does
whatsoever he wills.'"
saint having thus prayed, the gold immediately turned into a snake and
began to slither away. The snake, which had been turned to gold at the
prayers of the saint to save the humble man from death, now returned to
its original state as it was created by God. When the farmer saw this
miracle, he shook with fear and fell to the ground, saying, "I am not
worthy of such a wondrous deed."
miracles are worked not only through the humble, but also for those who
are humble in heart for their salvation. Saint Spyridon had no desire to
keep the gold for he was known as one who had no wish to acquire
earthly riches. Truly, through this miracle, the poor farmer beheld how
strong the power of prayer is and how dearly God cares for those who
love Him.
Saint Spyridon Delivers One Condemned to Death
friend of Saint Spyridon's was falsely accused by certain men before the
judge of the city. He was sent to prison, condemned to death, although
he was innocent of any crime. Saint Spyridon on hearing of this, could
not tolerate the injustice, and set out to defend his friend from the
unjust death sentence. The judge and the prison were some distance away,
requiring the saint to travel through the countryside in order to
appeal to the judge and set his friend free. It was during the rainy
season and one of the rivers along the saint's path had crested its
banks and was impassable; but Saint Spyridon remembering Joshua, son of
Nun, who carried the Ark of the law and crossed the Jordan as on dry
land even though its waters were high, put his trust in the almighty
power of God. Knowing that God would not allow such an obstacle to
hinder his mission, he said to the river, addressing it as if it were a
servant, "Be still! The Master of all commands that I cross you and save
the condemned man whom I am hurrying to reach."
the saint spoke these words, at once the river stopped its flow and
created a dry path for the holy man and those who were with him. Among
his companions, one ran ahead of the saint to the judge to announce the
arrival of the holy hierarch and the miracle which had occurred on the
way. When the judge heard of this, he recognized it as the will of God
whose judgments are just, and admitted that he had truly condemned an
innocent man, for this miracle would not have happened if the man had
been guilty as accused. He then immediately set the imprisoned man free
and delivered him to the saint, unharmed and in good health.
The Sinful Woman Repents
As we
have seen in the miracle worked through Saint Spyridon for the poor man
in need of wheat, the holy bishop had the gift of foresight, knowing
beforehand of things which would take place. Sins which people hid and
refused to confess were also revealed to Saint Spyridon by God.
time on a journey, while he was resting at the home of one who welcomed
travelers, a woman came into the house. She had secretly been living a
most sinful life, enslaved by passions, and had repeatedly committed
adultery. This same woman, seeing the bishop, shamelessly approached him
with a basin of water to wash his feet. Although he had never seen nor
heard of her, he was aware of her sins and said, "Woman, do not touch
begged him not to be repulsed by her, but, in her stubbornness, did not
confess her sin. Surely, she had had numerous opportunities to confess
and amend her ways, but had refused to do so; yet how great is the mercy
of God who does not desire the death of a sinner! She, who had not
sought the mercy of the Church, was, through God's will, now found in
the presence of a gentle, yet firm and uncompromising, spiritual father.
Since it is only through acknowledging and confessing one's sins that
God grants remission, the saintly bishop, in his care for her soul,
wanted her to admit her lustful actions and thoughts.
He said to her, "I am a disciple of the Lord who ate and drank with tax collectors and sinners."
those words, she tried even more to approach and touch his feet to wash
them. Spyridon sighed deeply for her soul which was on the brink of
perdition, and in his gentleness and love for man, he openly reproached
her. Like the Lord speaking to the Samaratin woman, the bishop spoke
clearly of all her sins and urged her to repent. She was both amazed and
afraid, for she could see that her hidden actions and thoughts were
visible to the eyes of foresight which the holy servant of God
possessed. Overcome with shame, and her heart finally humbled, she fell
at the bishop's feet, washing them, not with water, but with tears as
she confessed her deeds aloud.
parallel of this incident with that of the Gospel account from Saint
John is striking. Through the laying on of hands of apostolic
succession, the power which the Lord had bestowed upon the apostles to
forgive sins had also been granted to this holy bishop.
then addressed the woman with the same words of mercy which the Lord
showed in the Gospel, "Courage, daughter, your sins are forgiven;" and
added, "You are now healed, sin no more."
From that hour the woman corrected her way of life and was an example to others.
stichera sung during the service to the saint on December 12 briefly and
accurately sums up the incident: "He openly revealed the passionate
thoughts of the sinful woman who dared to approach him, and he led her
to confess her sin."
The Council of Nicaea
the better part of the more than three hundred years since the birth of
the Church at Pentecost, persecutions had been inflicted upon it by the
Roman state. With the coming of Constantine and the Edict of Milan in
313 A.D. the civil persecutions were brought to a close, at least for a
time. Yet, during those persecutions, when the Church had been
abundantly watered by the blood of martyrs and confessors, instead of
waning and fading into history, the small seed of Christianity had grown
and spread throughout the entire Roman empire. Not all those who were
called before the civil authorities were put to death for their
steadfastness in the faith; many were maimed, tortured and mutilated,
then set free. These individuals are known in the Church as
Spyridon, like so many other bishops, had also been subjected to such
tortures and mutilation. One account states that one eye was cut out and
the calf of his left leg severed. Again, Eusebius' History of the
Church affirms that such was, indeed, the practice for a time under
Diocletian when ‘tired of killing, satiated ...with bloodshed, they
(i.e. the emperors) turned to what seemed to them kindness and humanity
...It was not in good taste, they said, to pollute the city with the
blood of people of their own race ...Orders were then issue that eyes
should be gouged out and one leg maimed.' Not content with merely
persecuting the young Church from the outside, the devil also fought
then, as now, against the Faith from within. Heresies had arisen in the
Church from its earliest days. Many of the false teachings faded away
quickly, others were rooted out in time. But, with the coming of
Constantine and peace descending on the Church from without, a cancerous
heresy threatened it from among its ranks, -- Arianism, which
proclaimed that "there was a time when the Son was not," thereby making
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, unequal to the Father. This was the most
serious of the heresies which had arisen in the Church up to that time.
Its adherents were numerous and threatened to completely split the
Church. It was the discord aroused by Arianism which led to the
gathering of the First Ecumenical Council.
Of all
the local and "great" councils which defined the Faith, the council
held in Nicaea in 325, summoned by Constantine the Great, is probably
the best known. It was the first to be held under conditions of
political freedom for the Church. It must also have been the most
impressive, for this gathering of bishops and leaders of the Church was a
visible witness of the sufferings which the Church had endured under
persecution. How many of the fathers, like Saint Spyridon, arrived at
Nicaea maimed, bearing the wounds and fresh scars of tortures endured
for the Name of Christ!
Council was summoned by Constantine, calling bishops from throughout all
Christendom to the city of Nicaea principally to settle the matter of
this Arian controversy. It is told that, journeying to the Council in
Nicaea, the following happened to Saint Spyridon:
bishop's fame had spread far beyond the small island of Cyprus, and
those who sided with Arius were looking for a way to keep him from
attending the Council. Even though the bishop was relatively unlearned
in the formal sense of the word, the miracles worked through him were
well known and the Arians feared that his deeds would influence the
decisions of the more educated fathers.
Spyridon, paused in his journey to rest for the night at an inn, the
Arians came under cover of darkness and decapitated both of the horses
who were to pull his carriage. When dawn came and Spyridon's companions
saw what the heretics had done, a servant ran to tell the bishop. Saint
Spyridon put his hope in the Lord and told the servant to go back and
put the horses' heads back on their bodies. The servant went quickly and
did what he had been told, but in his haste, he placed the head of the
white horse on the body of the black horse, and the head of the black
horse on the body of the white horse. At once, the horses came to life
and rose to their feet. The saint gave thanks to God, got into his
carriage and continued on his way to the council. All the people who saw
this were amazed, for the black horse had a white head, and the white
horse had a black head! Best of all, the wicked scheme of the heretics
failed and the saint arrived at the Council where he proved to be a
great defender and teacher of the faith.
As the
Council convened, the Orthodox fathers urged Arius to confess that the
Son of God is of one essence with God the Father. Those who supported
Arius included several very important bishops, among whom were Eusebius
of Nicomedia (not to be confused with the above mentioned Eusebius, who
was bishop of Caesarea), Marius of Calcedon and Theognius of Nicaea.
These men accepted the foolishness of Arius, blaspheming that the Son of
God is a created being.
St. Spyridon working the miracle with the brick to illustrate the Holy Trinity, at the First Ecumenical Council (icon from here)
who fought for the true faith included Alexander, who is numbered among
the saints in the Church, but who, in 325, was still a priest and had
been sent to Nicaea as a representative of Saint Metrophan, Patriarch of
Constantinople, who could not be present due to illness; as well as
Saint Athanasius who was then serving as a deacon in the Church of
Alexandria. Athanasius' theology and defense of the faith were sound, as
were the statements made by Alexander, but because of the fact that
these men were not bishops, their wisdom in the faith was a source of
particular shame to the Arians.
grace which worked in Saint Spyridon proved to be more powerful in
clarifying matters than all the rhetorical knowledge which the others
possessed. At the invitation of emperor Constantine, there were a number
of Hellenic philosophers who were called "perinatitiki" present at the
Nicaean Council. Among these philosophers was one who was very wise and
adept, and, a supporter of Arius. His sophisticated rhetoric was like a
two edged sword which cuts deeply. He boldly attempted to destroy the
teaching of the Orthodox.
blessed Spyridon requested an opportunity to address that particular
philosopher. Because this bishop was a simple man who knew only Christ,
and Him crucified, the holy fathers were hesitant to let him speak. They
knew that he had no knowledge of Hellenistic learning and were afraid
to allow him to match verbal skills with such philosophers. But Spyridon
knowing the strength and power which is from above, and how feeble
human knowledge is in comparison to that might, approached the
philosopher, saying to him, "In the name of Jesus Christ, listen to me
and hear what I have to say to you."
philosopher, looking at this country bishop, felt somewhat amused. Quite
assured that his own rhetorical talents would make the simple cleric
look like a fool, he proudly replied, "Go ahead, I am listening."
saint began, "God, who created heaven and earth, is One. He fashioned
man from the earth and created everything that exists, both visible and
invisible, by His Word and His Spirit. That Word, we affirm, is the Son
of God, the true God, who showed mercy on us who had gone astray. He was
born of the Virgin, lived among men, suffered the passion, died for our
salvation and arose from the dead, raising the human race together with
Himself. We await His coming again to judge all with righteousness and
to reward each one according to his faith. We believe that He is
consubstantial with the Father, dwelling together with Him and equally
honored. We believe all these things without having to examine how they
came to be; nor should you be so brazen as to question them, for these
matters exceed the comprehension of man and far surpass all knowledge."
for a moment, the bishop then continued, "Can't you now realize how
true all of this is, O philosopher? Consider this simple and humble
example: We are created and mortal beings and are not worthy to resemble
the One who is divine in being and ineffable. Since we tend to believe
more readily through what the eyes perceive than through what we merely
hear with our ears, I want to prove something to you using this brick.
It is composed of three elements which combine to make it one single
being and nature."
this, Saint Spyridon made the sign of the holy Cross with his right
hand while holding a brick in his left hand, and he said, "In the name
of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," while squeezing
the brick. At once, flames rose into the air, water poured down upon the
ground and clay alone remained in his hand!
who were eyewitnesses to this miracle were filled with fear, especially
the philosopher. He remained speechless, like one who had been mute from
birth, and found no words to respond to the saint in whom Divine power
had been manifested, according to what is written: "The kingdom of God
is not in words, but in power." (1 Cor. 4:20)
Finally, humbled and convinced, the philosopher spoke, "I believe what you have told us."
Saint Spyridon said to him, "Then come and receive the sign of holy faith."
philosopher turned to his colleagues and his students who were present
and said, "Listen! As long as someone questioned me verbally, I was able
to refute their statements with rhetorical skills. But my words fail
against this elder who, instead of using mere words, has worked through
power and miracles. My rhetoric is futile against such a might, for man
cannot oppose God. If any of you feel as I do, let him then believe in
Jesus Christ and follow this elder together with me. God Himself has
spoken through him."
the philosopher accepted the Christian faith, rejoicing that the saint
had overcome his own logic. All the faithful were glad, and the Arian
heretics were at a loss.
It was
Saint Spyridon's vital participation in the Council of Nicaea which led
the God-inspired Church hymnographers to compose words such as these
for his service:
"Your words adorned the Ghurch of Christ, and in your deeds you offered glory to the Image of God, blessed Spyridon."
Spyridon like all the saints, was not seeking his own glory; he was
willing to sacrifice everything, even his very life, for God.
Saint Spyridon Commands His Dead Daughter to Speak
the Council at Nicaea ended with Arianism condemned, each of the fathers
returned to his home to bring the results of the proceedings of the
Council to their flocks and to resume their roles in shepherding the
flock of Christ. During the time he had been away at Nicaea, Saint
Spyridon's daughter, Irene, had died. She had never married and was
still in the beauty of youth when God called her to the heavenly bridal
the bishop arrived home a certain woman approached him, weeping. She
told him that she had entrusted Irene with the only thing of value which
she owned-- a golden vessel -- asking the young woman to put it away
somewhere secure for her. Irene had accepted the item and hidden it, but
died suddenly before she could tell the woman where her property could
be found. Now the woman appealed to Saint Spyridon to search through his
house for the golden vessel. He looked everywhere, but in vain. He felt
sorry for the woman, for she was poor and in need of the one thing of
value which she owned. Together with those from his house, he went to
his daughter's tomb and called out to the dead one as if she were still
"My child, Irene, where is the gold which was given to you for safekeeping?"
voice was heard, responding as if she had just awakened from a sound
sleep, "Father, I hid it in such and such a place in the house."
Again, the saint addressed her, "Sleep now, my child, until the Lord of all wakens you to the life eternal."
present heard the voice of the dead woman clearly and were filled with
awe at this miracle. The saint returned to his house, found the gold in
the very place where his daughter had said she had hidden it, and gave
it to the woman.
any father, Saint Spyridon had been saddened by the death of his child,
but as one who loves God, he accepted her earthly departure as the will
of the Lord. It was his love and compassion for the poor woman alone
which made him call upon his daughter to answer him from the other side
of the grave.
It is
also interesting to note that there is no mention in this account of
Spyridon's wife. Thus, if she had still been living at the time of his
elevation to the episcopacy, she had, most likely, already been taken to
the Lord by the time of the Council of Nicaea; for, had she still been
alive, the woman mentioned in the above account would surely have
entrusted her valuable belonging to the wife of the bishop, not to a
young daughter.
Saint Spyridon Heals the Emperor
the death of Constantine the Great in 337, the empire was divided among
his sons. The eastern part of the empire fell to the middle son,
At one
point, while he was in Antioch, Syria, emperor Constantius became
gravely ill. Doctors were summoned, but none could cure him. The
suffering king turned to God and fervently prayed that he be cured of
the disease from which he suffered.
night he had a dream. An angel was leading a group of bishops toward
him. The angel pointed out two of the bishops who appeared to be
advisors of the others, and he told Constantius that these two could
heal his disease. Upon awakening, the king thought of what he had
dreamt, but he did not know the identity of either one of the bishops
whom he had seen in his dream. How, after all, could he identify someone
he had never seen, especially when he did not even know their names or
homelands'? In fact, one of those whom he had seen in the dream was not
yet a bishop, although he would be consecrated soon.
was confused by this dream for quite some time; then, under counsel, he
called a gathering of bishops from all the area surrounding Antioch and
searched among them for the two whom he had seen in his dream, but in
vain. Again, Constantius summoned bishops, this time from more distant
regions, but he still did not find the two whom the angel had revealed
to him. Finally, he sent out an order that all the bishops from
throughout his empire were to come to Antioch.
royal edict reached the island of Cyprus and was brought to Tremithus
where Spyridon was bishop. It was not a surprise to the holy man that he
was called to Antioch; God had revealed to him all which had taken
place regarding the emperor's disease and the dream which he had had.
Thus, Spyridon left for Antioch, taking Triphilius, who was not yet
consecrated a bishop, with him.
reached the city and went straight to the royal palace. It had been a
long journey and they were both tired. Saint Spyridon was dressed in
simple clothes, carrying a fig bough as a staff, and he also bore a
small clay stick on his chest, as was the custom of those living in
Jerusalem as a symbol of the holy wood of the cross. Certainly, his
appearance was not that of a bishop. He and Triphilius arrived at the
palace unannounced and without any pomp or entourage. As they approached
the entrance, one of the servants. looking at his simple garb and
humble appearance, took Saint Spyridon for a beggar; he laughed and made
fun of him, refusing him entrance, and then even slapped the bishop on
the cheek. Then Spyridon who had silently submitted to all this
humiliating treatment, obeyed the Lord's command and turned the other
cheek to the servant. The man, himself a Christian, at once realized
that this was no beggar, but a fellow Christian and, indeed, a bishop,
whose unkept appearance was due to exhaustion after a long and arduous
journey. He was ashamed of his arrogant behavior and humbled himself
before Spyridon asking for forgive-ness, which the saint at once
Spyridon was then brought before the emperor. When Constantius saw him
and Triphilius, he realized that these were the men whom the angel had
pointed out to him in his dream. He did not wait for Spyridon to come to
him, but arose from his chair and approached the holy bishop, falling
before the servant of God and begging him with tears to pray to God that
he be healed of the illness which threatened his very life.
Constantius' faith, his humility before the humble bishop who was a true
servant of the eternal King, and his trust in God's mercy were
rewarded. Saint Spyridon touched the emperor's head and the Grace of
God, which moves and works through those who serve Him, healed
cure was immediate and complete. We can but imagine the relief which the
emperor must have felt, as well as his respect and reverence for this
simple bishop from Tremithus. All the wealth and power of the empire,
his access to the best of physicians, had been futile in attempts to
grant him health. Having suffered for so long and lost all confidence in
the medical knowledge of the most adept physicians of that time and
place, he had humbled himself and put his trust in God. Constantius
recognized the sanctity of Saint Spyridon and insisted that he remain
with him for the rest of the day. In celebration of his restored health,
a banquet was offered and Constantius let everyone know that God had
healed him of his disease, through the prayers of Saint Spyridon.
meanwhile, was in awe at all the royal glory: the beauty of the palace,
the pomp surrounding the emperor, the objects which were gilded in
gold. and the elegant clothes which even the servants wore. Certainly,
he had not been accustomed to anything like this among the villages and
peasants of Tremithus!
Spyridon as a loving spiritual father, said to him, "Don't be so
impressed, brother. Do you think that royal elegance and glory make the
emperor more righteous than others? He will die, just like any poor man,
and will be laid in a grave; he will also stand before the righteous
Judge. You should not regard one who is mortal, as if he were immortal.
You are impressed by something which is temporal; instead, you should be
seeking that which is immaterial and eternal and should love heavenly
glory alone which is without end."
Bishop Spyridon turned to the emperor; his body had been healed, but
there was also a need for treatment to be given to his soul. The saint
instructed Constantius at length to turn his thoughts more toward God
who always shows His good will for mankind. He encouraged the emperor to
strive for these same virtues: to be kind to those under his authority,
merciful to those who err, a ready mediator to those seeking his aid,
generous to all who appeal to him for help, a father to all, gracious
and condescending to everyone.
emperor listened to Spyridon's words and heard that if someone does not
govern according to the manner which the saint described, he may readily
be known as a tyrant and not a king. Finally, Spyridon taught him to be
firm and correct in matters of the faith and to refuse anything which
would be harmful or contrary to the Church of God. In these instructions
too, perhaps, we see an example of Spyridon's gift of foresight.
name of Constantius, son of Constantine the Great, is most often.
associated with the those sympathetic to the Arians. It is true that,
years later, after Constantine II and Constans were destroyed, arid
Constantius was sole ruler of the entire empire, he allowed himself to
be swayed and sided with those who supported Arius. He would forget the
words addressed to him by the humble bishop whom God had sent to bring
about his cure. Unlike his father, he would prove to be weak and
ignorant in matters of the faith, easily influenced politically, an
opportunist, and would grossly exaggerate his position in the Church.
However, at the time of the above incident, he shared the rule of the
empire with his two brothers and had not yet given himself over to
siding with the Arians who continued, in spite of the decisions of
Nicaea, to spread their heresy.
was truly grateful for all which Spyridon had done for him and wanted
to show his thanks in the way which was, and often still is, customary
among those who still think in earthly ways: he offered the bishop a
large amount of money.
certainly wasn't about to accept payment for the miracle which God had
worked through him. He refused the emperor saying, "It is not right to
repay an act of love in such a manner. What was done for you through me
was love. I left my home, traveled a long distance by sea, endured cold
weather and heavy winds -- isn't this love? Can this be compensated in
gold which is more the source of all evil and leads to the loss of all
the emperor also wanted to make an offering in his gratitude and kept
insisting. Finally, the saint accepted the money, but on the condition
that it be distributed at once to those in need. Constantius agreed, and
it was only then that he allowed the priests, deacons and all the
servants of the Church who had been present, to leave the palace. He had
learned many valuable lessons from the holy and simple peasant bishop
from Tremithus, among them was the fact that it is unfit for the
servants of the immortal King to pay tax to a mortal emperor. Sadly, he
would later push to the recesses of his memory the other Christian
teachings which Spyridon had expounded.
The Pagan Woman's Child Raised to Life
Spyridon left the emperor's palace. There was no need for him to remain
in Antioch. He had a flock of faithful at home who were in need of his
care, so the long journey by land and sea back to Cyprus began. Along
the way he was welcomed into the home of a Christian who had a deep love
for Jesus Christ. While he was there a pagan woman came in. This woman
did not know the Greek language, but she approached the saint, carrying
the lifeless body of her son who had just died. She laid the boy at
Saint Spyridon's feet, weeping inconsolably. No one present understood
the language which the woman spoke, but there was no need for words -
her tears spoke clearly she was imploring the saint to grant life to her
Spyridon's reputation for holiness and the miracles worked through him
were well known by that time. When he had paused on his journey and gone
into that particular house, many of the faithful gathered to see the
bishop and receive his blessing. There were a number of people present
in the house when the woman came in. Because of this, Spyridon at first
did not want to give in to the woman's request, for he saw this as a
situation which might lead to vain-glory. But the woman's grief touched
his compassion, and finally he asked the deacon accompanying him,
"Artemithos, What should we do?"
deacon answered, "Why are you asking me, Father? What else can you do
but call upon Christ, the Giver of life, who has so often answered your
prayers. You healed the emperor, how can you ignore the poor?"
bishop was moved by the deacon's compassion for the woman. He wept and
prayed fervently to the Lord. The same God, who, through Elisha and
Elijah, gave life both to the son of the woman of Sareftha and the son
of the Shunnamite woman, now heard Saint Spyridon's prayer. The spirit
of life returned back to the dead body of the child. He awoke as if from
sleep and began to cry.
this, the child's mother was so overcome with emotion that the shock
proved too great for her: she died, for it is not only sorrow and grief
which can kill a person, but there are also times when immeasurable joy
and relief can do the same. This was exactly what happened to the
distraught mother when she saw her dead child brought back to life.
the saint asked the deacon, "What should we do?" and he again answered
the bishop as before. Once more, Spyridon turned to prayer, raising his
eyes to heaven and lifting his mind to God who breathes life into the
dead and whose will alone created all things.
He then turned to the woman who lay dead on the floor and said, "Arise and stand up."
woman opened her eyes, rose to her feet and picked up her crying child.
Then the saint spoke to the woman and all who were present, telling them
firmly not to relate what had taken place to anyone. Those who had
witnessed these things did indeed keep their silence, respecting the
bishop's wishes; it was not until after Spyridon's repose that deacon
Artemithos spoke of the miracle which he had witnessed, for he was
unable to keep silent about the glory and might of God which had worked
through His beloved servant Spyridon.
are sometimes skeptical when they hear of miracles which are worked
through the saints. There is probably no other miracle which arouses
skepticism more than that of the dead being returned to life through the
prayers of a saint. Some will hasten to say that the individual
probably was not really dead. Even if that were the case, how does one
then explain that the signs of life return only after the saint prays,
touches and/or commands?
wisdom of the Church, speaking through the hymnography of the divine
services, recognizes the hesitancy and weakness of mortals to believe
some miracles. The tropars and stichera for the saints are prayers which
honor, glorify and beseech those who are pleasing to God, but they
often serve a catechetical purpose for us. In the service for Saint
Spyridon on December 12, we find the following words in one of the
stichera from Great Vespers which aptly describe the deeds of Saint
Spyridon as well as our response to these actions: "...your miracles
surpass our comprehension..."
God gave us a reasoning mind and intelligence, but there are times when
He asks us to believe on the basis of faith, and not on the basis of
tangible proofs or rationale, for our comprehension is limited, while
the actions of God are boundless. His rule is over all creation, for all
are the works of His hands.
The Goat That Would Not Be Stolen
Spyridon on being elevated to the office of a bishop, never abandoned
his humble beginnings as a shepherd, nor his love for animals. Following
the example of Saint Paul the Apostle, he strove to provide for his own
needs through his labors. A shepherd in his youth, he continued to keep
a flock of sheep and goats even after ascending the hierarchal throne.
farmer once came to him to buy one hundred goats from his flock. The
saint told him to lay out the agreed price and they would then go and
take the number of goats he had paid for. The farmer silently counted
out enough money for only ninety-nine goats, hiding the fact that he was
not paying for one. Saint Spyridon trusted the farmer's honesty and did
not feel that he, too, should count the money. It was known to all that
he never checked the amount of payment given for such a transaction, so
the farmer assumed that the deed would go unnoticed. After the farmer
had set the payment on the table, he and the bishop went off together to
the barn to complete the sale.
saint told the farmer to take the goats which he had paid for. The
farmer separated one hundred goats from the herd and led them out of the
pasture area; but one of the goats, like a good servant realizing that a
wrong had been done to its master and that his price had not been paid,
turned around quickly and ran back into the barn. The farmer caught him
and again led him out; again the goat broke loose and went back to the
barn. This happened two or three more times, the goat struggling and
breaking loose from the farmer and fleeing back to the barn. Finally,
the farmer picked him up, placed him on his shoulders and began to walk
off, but this time the goat fought furiously, butting the man's head
with its horns, finally throwing itself to the ground and pulled
strongly against the rope which had been tied around it. By that time,
some people had gathered to watch the spectacle. Everyone was amazed at
the stubbornness which the goat displayed.
Spyridon realized what was going on, but did not want to reprimand the
farmer in front of everyone, so he said gently, "See, my son, the animal
is not carrying on for no reason, refusing to be taken to your house.
Didn't you hold back the price of one goat? That is why he keeps
breaking away from you and runs back to the barn."
farmer was truly ashamed that his conniving had come to light, he
admitted what he had done and asked for forgiveness. Then he paid the
price and again took hold of the goat; this time the animal gently went
along of its own free will and, in fact, hurried to its new home ahead
of its new master.
above occurance is amusing, especially to our modern way of thinking and
life. Certainly, goats are known for being obstinate; was this animal
behaving according to its own stubborn nature, or was it truly refusing
to allow a deceitful action against its master? We know that, before the
fall of man, while Adam was still in Paradise, all the beasts obeyed
him and submitted to his will. Spyridon's simplicity as well as his
humility and submissiveness to the will of God took him back to that
former blessedness so that even the irrational creatures would submit to
The Proud Deacon
was a village named Erithras on the island of Cyprus. This village was
not far from the Metropolia of Constandius. Saint Spyridon went there
one time to see to some affairs and, while there, went into the church.
It was the season of the harvest, the weather was extremely hot and the
bishop was very tired from the journey. During the service which was
taking place, he told one of the serving deacons to abbreviate one of
the prayers. The deacon not only ignored what he had been told to do,
but instead he prolonged the prayer, chanting and singing with pride,
full of vain glory because he knew he had a good voice.
Spyridon is known for being kind and gentle when dealing with people,
but disobedience and pride in oneself were simply not to be tolerated.
The bishop became very angry with the deacon and reprimanded him for his
disobedience, saying sternly, "Be quiet!"
once, the deacon had no voice; not only could he not sing melodiously as
before, but he was as mute as if he had no tongue. Everyone in the
church was struck by this deed, and word of what had happened spread
immediately throughout the village. Everyone came into the church to see
what had happened.
deacon fell at the saint's feet in silence, begging him to loosen his
tongue. Others, both friends and relatives of the deacon, also
interceded before Spyridon on his behalf. Finally, Spyridon was moved to
pity, and forgave the proud cleric. The Lord who gave the Apostles the
power to 'bind' also bestowed on them the power to 'loose.' The saint
absolved the deacon, allowing the power of speech to return to him, but
he left a sign of reproach on him because of his disobedience and pride:
even though the deacon could speak, he no longer had a strong voice;
instead, he stuttered, falling over his speech, and the source of his
pride, his singing voice, no longer existed.
The Heavenly Choir and the Gift of Oil
time, the bishop went to church in his town for Vespers. It happened
that there were no people in the church, only the clergy who were
serving. Saint Spyridon told them to light all the candles and lampadas,
while he stood before the altar praying. When the time came for him, as
bishop, to turn and say, "Peace be with you all," there was no one in
church to give the proper response; but from the heights of the empty
church came the sound of a great many voices, calling, "And to your
sound of the voices was sweet, surpassing any melodic song of man. The
deacon who was saying the litany was motionless with fear, for he heard
the same divine voices responding "Lord, have mercy," to each of the
voices were heard not only inside the church, but even outside. Everyone
who heard hurried to the church to listen to the beautiful music. Many
drew near the door of the church and heard singing, the likes of which
they had never before even imagined. As they opened the door and went
inside, they saw no one except the bishop and a few clergy. After the
people were inside, the heavenly voices were no longer heard, for now it
was the role of the faithful to sing responses in honor and petition to
time the saint was standing in church during Vespers and there was not
enough oil for the lampada. The bishop could see that the flame was
about to extinguish. He was upset by this, for that was the only light
in the church; without it the church would be dark and the hymns for
Vespers would have to cease without the service being completed.
God, who fulfills the desires of those who fear him, poured oil into the
lampada, just as He once filled the widow's jar during the days of
clergy who were serving brought out jars and placed them under the
lampada to be filled with the oil which overflowed from the lamp. They
filled the jars with the blessed oil which flowed as a true gift from
The Sailor's Wife
sailor who lived in the city of Tremithus was out to sea for twelve
months, transporting a shipment. During the time he was away, his wife
committed adultery with another man and conceived a child. When the
sailor returned home, he found his wife pregnant and knew that she had
sinned with someone else. Filled with rage, he struck her; then, not
wishing to live with her any longer, he sent her out of his house. After
that, he went to Bishop Spyridon telling him what had happened and
seeking the bishop's advise.
saint was upset, both at the sin which the woman had committed as well
as her husband's revulsion. He sent someone to call the woman to him so
he could speak with her. When he saw her he did not have to ask if it
was true that she had committed adultery -- anyone could see that she
was with child.
Spyridon said to her, "why did you take another man in place of your
husband and bring such shame on your house?" Now the woman added another
sin to the one already committed: she lied, saying that she had not
been with another man, but that the child in her womb was fathered by
her own husband!
the bishop heard this he became truly angry. Forgiveness and compassion
are always at hand for those who recognize and repent for whatever sin
they commit, but one cannot be absolved of a sin without first
acknowledging it. Instead of finding the woman repentant and seeking the
reconciliation which the Church has to offer, the bishop saw her
obstinate and obviously lying. When Spyridon heard her stubborn denial,
he was upset more by her refusal to confess than for the very sin of
adultery which she had committed.
husband was gone for twelve months," the bishop said, " how can you say
that he is the father of the child which you have conceived? Whoever
heard of a child remaining in the womb of its mother for twelve months
or more?"
the woman remained obstinate, saying that the child in her womb was
waiting for its father to return from sea before being born. She added
even more lies to this, trying to convince everyone of her foolish
explanation. When she saw that no one believed her, she began yelling
and behaving completely irrational, as if she had been unjustly accused.
gentle bishop Spyridon tried still to lead her to repentance, saying,
"Woman, you have fallen into sin and it is necessary for you now to
repent sincerely so that you may have a hope of salvation, for there is
no sin which overcomes the great mercy of God. Don't you see that
through the sin of physical passion you have given birth to despair and
through despair has come shamelessness? You are suffering now from these
sins, but you still have time to repent. The child in your body will
not be born until you confess the truth without resorting to lies --
lies which even a blind man can see through."
woman left the bishop's presence, still holding to her story that the
father of her unborn child was her husband and no other.
the words spoken by the saintly bishop proved to be prophetic: when the
time for the birth drew near, the woman was in indescribable pain, yet
the child would not leave the womb. Even then, her heart remained
hardened and she stubbornly refused to confess her sin. In this terrible
state of denial and pain, she died, not being able to give birth.
of the woman's death was brought to Bishop Spyridon. He wept and
repented for the way in which he had been angered and judged her, and he
said, "I refuse to judge anyone ever again if the words which I speak
become fact so quickly."
The Conversion of the Pagan
recounted the events of one who refused to listen to the words of
Bishop Spyridon we will now relate what happened to someone who did take
his words to heart and obeyed them.
was a faithful and God-loving woman named Sophronia in the bishop's
diocese. In all ways, she led a truly Christian life, but there was one
circumstance in her life which disturbed her peace of soul -- her
husband was an unbeliever, worse yet, he followed pagan beliefs and
rituals. The woman, in complete trust and faith, went to Bishop Spyridon
She explained her situation and begged the gentle bishop to help her
bring her husband to the true faith.
husband had a friend who lived very close to the bishop's residence and
who revered and respected Spyridon a great deal. They often visited each
other's homes, quite a normal thing for friends to do. On one such
occasion when a number of the neighbors were gathered together and
enjoying a meal together, both Saint Spyridon and the unbelieving man
were present.
turned and spoke to one who was serving the meal, saying, "There is
someone outside near the barn. He has come with a message for me from
the shepherds who are watching my flock. He will say that, while the
shepherds were asleep, the animals scattered and were lost in the
mountains. Go and tell him that that the shepherd who sent him here has
found all the sheep in a cave; not one animal is lost from the flock."
servant assisting at the table went and found the messenger exactly
where the bishop had said he would be. He told him what Spyridon had
said and sent him off. After an hour of more had passed, while all the
guests were still at table and the first messenger had not yet had time
to arrive back at the sheepfold, a second man, also sent by the same
shepherd, arrived. He said that the entire flock had been found.
the unbelieving man heard this, he was amazed at the fact that Saint
Spyridon had foreseen all these things, knowing what was in the future
as if it were the present. He could not understand that the pure in
heart often see things in the spirit, as it is revealed to them by God.
He began to regard Spyridon as a god and wanted to honor him as such,
the same way the Lyconians once wanted to worship Barnabas and Paul,
offering wreaths and animal sacrifices.
gentle bishop spoke to him, "I am not a god, but the servant of the one
true God, and a sinner like you. The fact that I know things which are
in the future is something which has been given me by the Lord. If you
would begin to believe in Him, you also will know how great is the rule
and power of the Almighty."
Sophronia, seeing that her husband was ready to listen, took the
opportunity to speak to him at length. Having seen the gentleness,
humility, love and true presence of Christ in the bishop, the man
abandoned paganism and believed in the one true God. He accepted
baptism, and from that moment on lived a true Christian life.
Thieves at Night
all the duties that the office of the hierarchy holds, Spyridon as we
have seen, still kept a flock of animals, mostly sheep and goats. His
diocese was poor, and the income from his flock served as a means of
support for the humble bishop. Often, when the problems of
administration and the weight of the spiritual care of his
reason-endowed flock of faithful were heavy upon the bishop's shoulders,
he found solace in the simple occupation of feeding and caring for the
silent animals, as he had in his youth. These times reminded him of the
carefree, peaceful and pleasant days of his childhood when he was a
shepherd. Although he often entrusted the animals to other shepherds
when his duties called him away, when he was home he continued to look
after the flock himself.
night thieves came into his sheepfold to steal several of the animals.
They snuck in unobserved, separated a number of sheep from the others
and were about to run off under the cover of night, proud of the fact
that no one had seen them. No one, that is, but God who watches over
all, even as they sleep.
love for mankind far surpasses our imagination. The Church often refers
to various saints as "friend of God;" and just as any friend watches out
for and comes to the help of another, so God also comes quickly to the
help of those who love Him. When He saw the thieves about to run off
with some of the animals from the poor bishop's flock, He stopped them.
The thieves' hands and feet were held by invisible bonds so strongly
that they were unable to move or leave the barn where they remained
until morning.
dawn came, the saint went to care for the sheep. There he found the
thieves bound by the might of God, with their hands behind their backs
and their feet fixed firmly. The bishop saw clearly what had happened.
He remained calm, perhaps even slightly amused, at the plight of the
would-be thieves; yet, above all, he was thankful to God, and also saw
this as an occasion to instruct the criminals.
As a
gentle and loving father Spyridon spoke to them about the sin which they
had tried to commit, "Doesn't the commandment say that you must not
covet what belongs to another? Each one of us has to eat from the honest
work of his own hands."
time, unlike the sailor's wife, the thieves admitted their sin and asked
the bishop to forgive them. Not only did Saint Spyridon forgive them,
but he even gave them a ram saying, "Take this so that your efforts and
your all night vigil would not have been in vain."
having prayed to almighty God, their bonds were loosed. They left the
barn, and, from that time on, never took what did not belong to them.
The historical orthodox church of st Spyridon in Kantara, Egypt (more here!)
The Deceitful Merchant
was a merchant from Tremithus who had the practice of borrowing money
from Saint Spyridon in order to purchase wares on his travels. After
returning home, he would return what he had borrowed. Because the bishop
paid little attention to money, he always told the merchant to put the
money back into the box from which he had taken it himself. He never
bothered to watch or control the merchant to see how much money he took
from the box or how much he returned to it.
practice continued for quite some time: the merchant, with the saint's
blessing, took the money himself and, upon returning from his travels,
put back what he had taken, unsupervised. As long as he acted honestly,
his business prospered.
the acquisition of money the sin of greed and avarice often follow. The
merchant was finally blinded, like Judas, with love for money, and one
time he did not return what he had taken. He kept the secret to himself
and lied to the saint, saying that he had put back exactly what he had
borrowed, as always. But shortly after this, his business failed: not
only did the money borrowed from the bishop not earn him anything, but
all his wares were lost in a fire that consumed everything he had.
merchant, in poverty, again turned to Bishop Spyridon asking him to loan
him the resources so that he could again invest in some goods. The
bishop told him to go into the room where the box of money was kept and
take what he needed himself, saying, "Go and take what you need from
what you put there last time."
The merchant went, but found no money at all. He faced the bishop empty-handed.
said to him, "Brother, believe me when I say that no one else has put
his hand into that box since the last time you were here. If you had
returned the money, you would now be able to borrow from it."
merchant was ashamed of what he had done and humbled himself before the
saint, asking for forgiveness. Saint Spyridon at once forgave him and
instructed him not to again covet what does not belong to him nor to
darken his own conscience with wickedness and lies, for these are the
results of one who earns a living dishonestly and are not rewards but
The Pagan Idols Overturned
Icon -& others- from here |
was once a gathering of bishops in Alexandria, called there by the
patriarch of that city, to join in prayer for a special intention: At
that time paganism was still flourishing in Egypt and the surrounding
land. Idols, carved and fashioned by human hands, were worshipped
everywhere. The patriarch believed that the joint prayers of all the
bishops would overturn the pagan idols, smashing them to pieces, and
thus, the people would see the foolishness of their idolatry, and turn
to the one true God.
bishops poured out their most fervent prayers to God, and, indeed, all
the idols within the city fell and were smashed, as well as those from
areas around Alexandria -- all, with the exception of one single, but
renowned, idol which remained standing.
gathering of hierarchs continued to pray that that idol would fall too,
and that the people would realize the vanity of the objects which they
worshipped and turn to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who trampled down
death itself and whose power destroys the pagan gods which are the work
of the devil. Still, that idol, the work of the devil, would not fall
and the people felt that it was stronger than the triune God to whom the
bishops prayed.
patriarch was determined, and decided to remain in a vigil of prayer all
night long. During that time, he had a vision in which he was told that
he should not be completely disheartened that the idol was not smashed;
instead he was to send someone quickly to Cyprus and call Spyridon the
bishop of Tremithus, for that idol was left standing for him, and him
alone, to overthrow by his prayers.
patriarch immediately wrote to the blessed Spyridon and asked him to
come to Alexandria, telling him about the idol and the need for him to
come in order for the populace to realize that God alone is the God of
all. When Saint Spyridon received the plea from the patriarch, he then
set out for Alexandria the next morning by ship. When his boat reached
the renowned harbor of Alexandria, which is called Neapolis, and the
saint disembarked from the ship, immediately the lone remaining idol in
Alexandria fell and shattered, together with the numerous sacrifices
which had been offered to it. There were many people praying before the
idol when it suddenly fell and broke to pieces; they went to the
patriarch to tell him what had happened. The leader of the Alexandrian
Church immediately realized the cause and said to the other bishops, "My
brothers, Spyridon of Tremithus has arrived in Alexandria."
patriarch then took his staff in hand and he, together with the other
bishops, went to meet Saint Spyridon at the harbor. They welcomed him
with honors, and everyone celebrated that day both because of the
presence of the holy bishop who worked such wonders and for the fact
that the last of the pagan idols in Alexandria and the surrounding
territories no longer existed.
Saint Spyridon and Holy Scripture
great historians of the Church, Nicephorus and Sozomen, say that the
holy father Spyridon was very firm in adherence to all the rules of the
Church, and, in particular, that he would not allow even one word which
was written in the Holy Scripture to be changed. We must remember that
the Bible was then read in the original Greek and there was no question
of what word or nuance best suited a translation.
the following incident took place: There was a gathering of bishops in
Cyprus to see to some of the matters which had arisen in the Church.
Among those gathered were both Saint Spyridon and the younger Bishop
Triphilius, a former disciple of Spyridon's. Triphilius was especially
adept at understanding the holy books for he had studied extensively in
his youth and was learned in Scripture. His wisdom and knowledge were
respected by his fellow bishops who asked him to preach to the
congregation in church one day.
Triphilius was speaking, he mentioned the words which Christ had spoken
to the paralytic, recorded in the Gospel of Saint Mark, "rise and take
up your bed." But Triphilius did not use the word 'bed,' instead he said
Saint Spyridon heard this, he was unable to keep silent, for he could
not bear hearing anyone change the words which had been spoken by the
Savior. He rose from his place in the church and addressed Triphilius in
front of everyone, "Do you think you are better than He who said 'bed'?
Are you ashamed to use the same word which our Lord spoke?"
was so disturbed that a single word spoken by Christ had been changed
that he could no longer even remain in the church. Having said these
words to Triphilius, he left the building.
incident should not be seen be seen as an offence. Triphilius had not
only been a disciple of Saint Spyridon but he was also very puffed up
with pride at his rhetorical gifts. The saint's words served to teach
him some humility, without which all his wisdom and knowledge would be
useless in the Church. Spyridon was also held in high regard by all the
clergy and faithful in the Church for he was both older in years, weaker
in body and was known for the fact that the works of God were often
manifest through him.
The Saints Life Draws Near Its End
Constantius was still ruling, in the year 347, Spyridon's labors upon
this earth were drawing to a close. He had seen times of Christian
persecution and times of peace for the young Church which he served.
advanced in years, he continued to assist with work in the fields,
especially during the harvest season. It happened that as he was working
in the field one day during the time when the sun was strong and the
air dry, the saint's head suddenly was covered with dew. He had been
laboring as though it was his final hour when the dew softly fell upon
his head the same way it had fallen on the fleece of Ghideon long ago.
Many were present and witnessed what had happened. None could say that
what appeared was mere perspiration, it was clearly dew which had fallen
from above.
his hair changed: some became white, some turned black, some blond. God
alone knows why this happened or what it could have meant. The saint
put his hand to his head, then said to those who were there that the
time for his departure was near. He spoke to his fellow laborers and
spiritual children at length, as a final instruction, exhorting them
especially to love God and neighbor.
After a
few days had passed, while he was at prayer, he gave himself into the
hands of God whom he had served justly and in holiness all the days of
his life.
of the saint's falling asleep spread quickly. He was buried in the
Church of the Holy Apostles in Tremithus. The gentle and loving leader
of the Church did not abandon his faithful flock even after being taken
to the Lord, but continued to work miracles after his death. Many people
came to pray at his tomb, asking for his intercessions before the Lord.
It was not long before the Church, guided by the will of the Holy
Spirit, officially included Spyridon bishop of Tremithus, in the
official calendar of saints.
Saint Spyridon as an Intercessor before God
"Remember me in your prayers."
frequently we say those words to each other! Indeed, one of the most
outstanding features in any church service is how often we pray for
others: the sick, the suffering, those in prison, travelers, clergy,
laity, those in civil authority ...the list goes on.
sincerely trust in the prayers of others, especially those who lead a
truly Christian life. We also know that 'death' is not an end, but a
passing from this temporal life to eternal life.
In the
Nicene Creed we confess our belief in "One, holy, Catholic (universal)
and Apostolic Church." The Church is One. It is the body of Christ. Just
as our Lord is not divided between those on earth and those in heaven,
so the Church, His body, is not divided between those who have gone
before us to eternal life and those still struggling along the path of
salvation here on earth. We ask each other for prayers before the Lord,
and so it is equally normal to ask those who stand before God in heaven
to also intercede for us.
Psalmist says "Wonderful is God in his saints." God, indeed, is
surrounded by those who led holy lives here on earth. Just as He heard
and accepted their prayers during their earthly lives, so He also
accepts their prayers now, and answers them.
Spyridon loved and prayed for his faithful during his life of ministry
to them. His earthly departure did not put an end to his love for those
who turn to him for help. We have related here several of the miracles
performed through him during his life, but this blessed saint continues
to pray for and assist us even now.
body of Saint Spyridon has remained completely intact. The holy relics
are to be found in the church in Kerkyra on the island of Corfu, Greece.
Thousands of people come before his reliquary each year to pray for his
intercessions and assistance. The miracles attributed to him are
sign of the saint's continuing care for the faithful is clear: often
when the serving priests in the church open his reliquary, the body is
gone. Later, when they open it again, they find he has returned. This is
not a rare incident, but happens, even in our own time, repeatedly.
Another indication of this miracle is that each year, on the day of his
commemoration, December 12, the footwear on his body are completely worn
out. The serving priests literally change the saint's shoes every year,
only to find them worn out again the next year. It is often not unusual
for the priests, on touching the saints feet as they change his shoes,
to find the body pliable and warm, not hard and cold like that of a
humble bishop who served the Lord unreservedly throughout his entire
life, certainly would not want any of these "miracles" to be attributed
to him, but would be the first to recognizing them as the action of God:
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who receives from us glory, thanksgiving,
honor and worship unto ages of ages.
Saint Spyridon the Wonderworker of Trymithous
St. Spyridon the Wonderworker (Feast Day - December 12)
By St. Nikolai Velimirovich
island of Cyprus was both the birthplace and the place where this
glorious saint served the Church. Spyridon was born of simple parents,
farmers, and he remained simple and humble until his death. He married
in his youth and had children, but when his wife died he devoted himself
completely to the service of God.
Because of his exceptional
piety, he was chosen as bishop of the city of Tremithus (Trymithous).
Yet even as a bishop he did not change his simple way of living,
handling his livestock and cultivating his land himself. He used very
little of the fruits of his labor for himself; instead, he distributed a
greater share to the needy.
He manifested great miracles by
God's power: he brought down rain in time of drought, stopped the flow
of a river, raised several people from the dead, healed Emperor
Constantius of a grave illness, saw and heard angels of God, foresaw
future events, discerned the secrets of men's hearts, converted many to
the true Faith, and did much else.
He took part in the First
Ecumenical Council in Nicaea [325], and he brought many heretics back to
Orthodoxy by his simple and clear expositions of the Faith as well as
by his mighty miracles.
He was so simply dressed that once, when
he wanted to enter the imperial court at the invitation of the emperor, a
soldier, thinking that he was a beggar, struck him on the face. Meek
and guileless, Spyridon turned the other cheek to him.
glorified God through many miracles, and was of benefit, not only to
many individuals but also to the whole Church of God. He entered into
rest in the Lord in the year 348. His miracle-working relics rest on the
island of Corfu, and even today they glorify God with many miracles.
Reflection From His Life
nothing will help us if we are not lenient toward the weaknesses of men
and forgive them. For how can we hope that God will forgive us if we do
not forgive others?
St. Spyridon once sold a hundred goats to a
merchant at an agreed price, and the saint told the buyer to lay down
the money. The buyer, knowing that Spyridon himself never counted money,
handed over enough money for ninety-nine goats and hid the money for
one. Spyridon then counted out a hundred goats for him. But when the
merchant and his servants drove off the goats, one of them returned
bleating. He drove it off, but it returned again. And so the goat
continually returned to the enclosure, not wanting to go with the other
goats. The saint then whispered into the merchant's ear: "Observe, my
son: this animal is not doing this in vain. Did you perhaps withhold her
price?" The merchant became ashamed and acknowledged his sin. As soon
as he paid the amount he had concealed, the goat immediately joined the
other goats.
On another occasion, some thieves entered Spyridon's
sheepfold. When they had seized as many sheep as they wanted, they
tried to leave the sheepfold, but an invisible force nailed them to the
ground, and they were unable to move. At dawn, the bishop came to his
sheepfold. Seeing the thieves, he reproached them mildly and instructed
them to strive in the future to live by their own labors and not by
thievery. He then took a sheep and gave it to them, saying, "Take this
for your trouble, so that your all-night vigil not be in vain," and he
dismissed them in peace.

Read also:
Saint Spyridon: Protector of the Poor, Father of Orphans, Teacher of Sinners
Saint Triphyllios, Bishop of Nicosia and Disciple of Saint Spyridon
The Great Miracle of St. Spyridon on August 11, 1716
Remembering the Miracle of Saint Spyridon in 1718
A Recent Vision of Saint Spyridon To A Child
The Right Hand of Saint Spyridon
Photographs of the Right Hand of St. Spyridon in Russia
HYMN OF PRAISE: Saint Spyridon the Wonderworker, Bishop of Tremithus
Star of Cyprus and luminary of the Church,
Holy Spyridon, defender of the Faith,
Simple as a child, innocent as a child -
By his simplicity, he shines on the world.
What need is there for many words when speaking the truth?
Utterly simple is God's truth:
The Creator is One, in the Holy Trinity,
In the Trinity, Father, Son and Spirit.
The Son descended to the sinful earth
And received flesh from the Pure Virgin
In order to save men, because He is the Lover of Mankind.
He performed many miracles
By divine power, for He is Almighty.
To mankind He gave a new rule,
The rule of love and the rule of faith.
Glorified, He now sits in heaven,
And gathers the fruit of His labor.
The sweet fruits of His labor
Are holy men and holy women.
He is the Rock of mankind's salvation;
Outside this Rock there is no salvation.
O Spyridon, O illuminator,
O soldier of Christ, pray for us.
Apolytikion in the First Tone
Father, God-bearer, Spyridon, you were proven a champion and Wonder
Worker of the First Ecumenical Council. You spoke to the girl in the
grave and turned the serpent to gold. And, when chanting your prayers,
most sacred One, angels ministered with you. Glory to Him who glorified
you; glory to Him who crowned you; glory to Him who, through you, works
healing for all.
Kontakion in the Second Tone
by your love for Christ, O holy One, your mind given wings by the
radiance of the Spirit, you put the practice of theory into deeds,
becoming a sacred altar, O Chosen by God, and praying for the divine
illumination of all.